Mads Holm Iversen is a specialist in helping you create professional PowerPoint presentations. Whether it is presentations of businesses, products or presentations communicating complex messages for political or other decision making, you will get a result that significantly differs from standard presentations. There's a lot of opportunities of developing and improving your presentations and create an alternative to bulletpoints, facts, lots of messages and large amounts of text.

A collaboration between you or your company and Mads will enable you to create presentations that:

  • Communicate a catchy and structured visual story
  • Are based on - and engage - the target group
  • Reflect prioritized and thoroughly worked through content
  • Have a stringent and professional visual appearance


Our clients include the following companies:

LEGO, Telenor, PWC, Nestlé, Ferrosan, Johnson Controls, Arla, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danish Energy Association, Confederation of Danish Industry, Danske Bank, DONG Energy, KMD, DSB, A2SEA, Universal Robots, SENSE A/S, Libratone, Happy & Co. Advertising Agency, Bavarian Nordic, Veksø, IFU, City of Copenhagen, The Think Tank DEA, Danish Fund for Growth, CC Jensen, Dacapo Steel, Danish Export Association, Danish Official Export Credit Agency, Varo A/S, Novedas Mitas, OPTI, Ikadan, PMC Technology, Caljan Rite Hite, Danish Shipowners Association.


Below you will find evaluations and comments from clients:

Danske Invest

"Mads has made a comtribution of the highest level."
Lars Kristian Olsen, Client Manager, Danske Capital

(Click to download full evaluation)


"Mads has created a 'second-to-none' presentation for us."
Anders Nørregaard, Sales director, Telenor

(Click to download full evaluation)



”Mads has been amazing. The job was done much better than I had ever hoped for."
Sales director, Hans Christian Mengel, Kemira

(Click to download full evaluation)


DONG Energy

”I have ranked your performance with maximum points all way through. Your presentation is really good, and we have used it in many contexts."
Vicepresident og HR-director, Hanne Blume, DONG Energy

(Click to download full evaluation)



Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

"Convinced has shown an solid understanding of the specific obligations applying to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as the Trade Council, ans is thus able to communicate our messages in a simple, powerful and professional way, reaching far beyond our own technical skills."
Chief consultant, Therese Hermann, Ministry uf Foreign Affairs of Denmark

(Click to download full evaluation)




"Convinced created a catching presentation of LEGO's Build The Change concept, which is an event where LEGO, in collaboration with partners, invites children and families to build the city of the future with 500 kilos of LEGO."
Event Manager Camilla Torpe, LEGO

(Click to download full evaluation)



"Our collaboration with Mads has resulted in a concept, which significantly differentiates us from other companies in the business."
Director, Jan Rasmussen, Telenor

(Click to download full evaluation)




Johnson Controls

”After a short meeting with Mads, going through the task at hand and the desired output, we have had a great and constructive collaboration. This is the first time I feel like having received input from a consultant without me having to contribute or work to much myself. Mads has really been a huge help. 'Story line' became coherent and easy to communicate."
Director, Ejner Brodersen, Johnson Controls A/S

(Click to download full evaluation)