1-day course
On this 1-day course, you will learn to plan, combine and give presentations, based on techniques in PowerPoint as well as your personal performance. You will work on your own presentation, which you give, and after this you will receive feedback.
The course will teach you to focus and structure your points in PowerPoint using a 'storyboard'. You will acquire techniques that will enable you to create an interesting intro and learn to use tools for incorporating pictures and stories in your presentation, and convince your audience.
This course is an essential version of the basic communication techniques, which are taught in the 2-day course: "Presentations without bullet points". Compared with the 2-day course, the main focus in this course is on your own presentation, and only to a minor degree on cases and teamwork with exercises.
- Purpose and motivation for the course and how you will benefit
- Introduction to the toolbox of presentation techniques
- Examples: Presentations that use the priciples of presentation techniques.
- Short exercise
- Working process: Mindmap & brainstorming, focus on the first 5 slides of a presentation, storyboard, speaking notes and graphics
- Participants work with cases, presentations and feedbackursister arbejder med case, fremlæggelse og feedback
- 10 pieces of advice; transforming theory into pratice
Target group
Frequent users of PowerPoint.
The course is held in Copenhagen, Nyborg and Aarhus.